Channel: diamonnddx
Category: Gaming
Tags: playromancebeautyteenageexeshights4schoolts3rich to poorreviewex boyfriendcreategamersimmerdiamonnddxdayspalet'sworkpregnancypackexpansionwalkthroughblack simmersgameplaycitysimscaptionsoutdramadinecassimgettogetherccsimminganonlivingimpressionsteentransformationthebuildthe sims 4seriesfirstfashion
Description: Hey, long time, no upload! I switched my game to a different drive and didn't back up my save file 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 So I lost it all lmao and lost the motivation to make stories since everything was GONE. I still have my families in the gallery was discouraging to start all over, so I had to take a break. That being said, I'm back! With a mini series! All 5 episodes are filmed and ready to upload and will be out every WEDNESDAY at 1PM PST. This was a story I was writing and decided to turn it into a sims thing, so here we are! Blake and her friends navigate through life as late 20-somethings and on the way, tells you what NOT to do when trying to get over an ex. I hope you enjoy :) Shout out to all the CC creators! And belledaises on the gallery for the bistro I used! Subscribe for the next video: ORIGIN ID: DIAMONNDDX Thanks for watching, my lovely supporters! SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: